Serving The Bay Area And All Of California For More Than A Decade

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Property Division Attorneys Who Will Advocate For Your Fair Share In Divorce

Dividing up the community property is one of the main challenges in divorce, especially if you and your spouse own substantial assets. The attorneys at our law firm, JKZ LLP, bring solutions to complex property division issues that people face.

Complex Property Division Solutions

Our family law attorneys have extensive experience with division of high-worth assets, including:

  • The family home, vacation homes and investment properties
  • Retirement accounts and investment portfolios
  • Patents
  • Bank accounts
  • Ownership interest in a business
  • Family heirlooms, antiques, artwork and collectibles

Because California is a community property state, a key matter to resolve in your divorce is determining what is community property and what is separate property. With certain exceptions, anything that you and your spouse acquired during your marriage is community property. It also includes most property you owned before the marriage that became “commingled” with your spouse’s assets, such as when you opened a joint checking account. Community property must be split 50-50, while each spouse gets to keep their separate property.

Negotiating property division can be complicated, but it is a challenge that we meet every day for our high-income clients. We will work closely with you to identify what assets are your top priorities, and seek a way to keep those in your possession. If you own real estate or other assets outside of California or even the U.S., we are capable of working in multiple legal systems to reach a settlement or successful trial outcome.

The Firm Capable Of Handling Your Property Division

Schedule your confidential consultation with one of our attorneys at 415-693-0550 or using our online intake form. Our office is in San Francisco, and our attorneys and staff speak multiple languages for your convenience.