Serving The Bay Area And All Of California For More Than A Decade

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Family Law Attorneys Experienced In Same-Sex Divorce Representation

We understand that there are aspects of same-sex relationship dissolution that do not always mirror opposite gender divorces, and we strive to breakdown stigmas that can act as barriers to effective resolution.

Same-sex marriage or domestic partnership divorce proceedings are available to gay and lesbian, bisexual and transgender families in California. While the process is the same as heterosexual divorce proceedings, the financial and emotional toll on divorcing LGBT couples may be felt differently given the level of discrimination many of our LGBT clients have faced leading up to the decisions for marriage equality.

Our firm is dedicated to providing a safe space for LGBT clients, whether they are facing the decision to marry, custody issues, or divorce. We make it a priority to educate ourselves on current issues affecting the LGBT community, and we lend a determined voice to speak on behalf of these clients.